How long is your health guarantee?
I am proud to say that we are now offering a 5 year health guarantee* on all of our kittens that go to pet homes, this is an indication in how much confidence we have in the future health of all of our kittens.
*some conditions do apply​​​
Nuvet Plus Feline Powder
The supplement provides full-spectrum nutritional support that focuses on boosting your pet’s immune system and overall health. Every one of our Kings, Queens and kittens receive this throughout all of their life stages and every kitten goes home with a sample so you can continue to give your kitten the best possible.
If you are interested in giving your kitten a healthy head start please call Nuvet, 1-800-474-7044, and register for automatic renewal using this code- 137624.
Are there any products that you recommend for getting ready for when our kitten comes home?​
There are definitely products that I can recommend for you in order to prepare for when your kitten comes home, click here to learn more about the products that I have used and can honestly recommend for you.​
Do you offer Breeding Rights to your cats? ​
I am currently looking for a select number of catteries that are looking to add the blue eyed trait to their breeding program. I will only be allowing a limited number of breed quality blue eyed kittens to go to other Canadian catteries, if you are interested please fill out a kitten application.
Will our kittens be vaccinated or dewormed?
All of our kittens receive their first two sets of vaccinations and will receive multiple dewormings before they go to their new homes. We also treat all of our newly vaccinated kittens with Anti Vaccinosis from Adored Beast Apothecary, it assists in the removal of associated vaccine side effects without removing any vaccine benefits. They also have a facebook page, click here

What do you feed your kittens?
We have recently switched to an all raw diet of chicken with an added completer from TC Feline, this is the easiest way to feed a raw diet however if you are wanting to make your own raw food then consider checking out Cat Nutrition.
What kind of litter do you use?
Can we come see and play with our kitten?
If you are currently on our VIP list you may make an appointment to visit after the kittens are nine weeks of age or before you reserve your choice of kitten. Currently we do not allow those on the waitlist to visit until after they have reserved a kitten, we do post many pictures of our kittens on our facebook page so everyone can see how the kittens are doing and growing.
May I come and see your cattery?
Unfortunately I am not offering tours of the cattery at this time.
Will you send us weekly photos?
No, I recommend that all new kitten owners follow me on facebook where I will be posting weekly photos of your kittens. This benefits both parties as you get to see regular updates on how your kitten is growing and it allows me to focus on the health, care and socialization of your kitten as well as the care of my family.
Do you have a waitlist?
Yes we do, Please read the waitlist page for more details on how to get on our waitlist.
We have given the deposit for your VIP list, now what?
Once I have received your deposit I will put you on our VIP list, I will then notify you once the kittens are 3-4 weeks of age and again when they are ready to be reserved. I highly suggest that you follow my facebook page as I always place litter notifications and kitten updates there. Those who are on the VIP list are always given the first opportunity to place a kitten on hold at 10 weeks of age.
You had a litter and I wasn't contacted, why not?
Please be aware that we place you on our VIP list in the order that we have received your deposit, therefore there may be people ahead of you and the entire litter of kittens may already be reserved by the time we get to your name. Fear not, we will contact you when we have another litter of Available Kittens and we get to your name.
We have changed our minds, can we get our deposit back or transfer it to another person?
The deposit is non refundable, the only reason we would refund the deposit is if we cannot provide you a kitten meeting your criteria in the designated time frame. We do not allow deposits to be transferred to other individuals.
Do you require regular updates on our kitten?
We enjoy receiving photos and updates on how our kittens are doing and we do require a certain amount of updates per year. There are a few reasons why we require this, knowing the health of our kittens that have gone to their homes helps us in our decision of knowing which cats we should be pairing or if we should consider retiring one of our cats. The second reason is that by seeing the development of our kittens it helps us see if our goals as a breeder are being accomplished.
Can we wait to get our kitten spayed or neutered?
YES! We use a company called SpaySecure to protect your kitten’s health and hormones and let them grow to a healthy age before spay/neuter. SpaySecure uses binding contracts to ensure cat sterilization at a healthy age. They’ll follow up with you to provide advice and reminders, ensuring your kitten gets spayed or neutered safely. For more information on SpaySecure please copy and past this link in your web browser https://owners.spaysecure.com/how_it_works
I want my kitten spayed/neutered before they come home to me, can you do this?
We no longer spay or neuter our kittens before they go home. By waiting until your kitten is older it will help to eliminate some of the stress around rehoming and allow your kitten to develop more before being spayed or neutered.
Because my kitten is going home intact does that mean I have breeding rights?
NO! before you bring home your kitten you will be required to sign a legally binding contract that states that you will spay/neuter your kitten by 7-8 months of age, this is done to ensure that our kittens do not wind up in a back yard breeder situation.
Can I declaw my kitten?
There are many reasons why we are against this and recommend that you do not declaw your cat. We have many Maine Coons and find that most of them are actually very gentle and rarely take out their nails except when they are playing. Make sure you use cat appropriate toys for playing and have plenty of cat approved areas for your Maine Coon to climb and/or scratch and you shouldn't have a problem.
What forms of payment do you accept?
At the moment we only accept etransfers or cash. We have recently started to accept PayPal however a 4% surcharge will be added to your total in order to cover the extra fees that PayPal charges me everytime someone sends a payment.
What happens if I find out that I am allergic or one of my kids are allergic to the cat?
We highly suggest you know this before you place a deposit on a kitten, as the deposit is non-refundable, or bring your kitten home, every time a cat or kitten is moved to another home it does create a lot of stress. Go to a friends house and expose your kids and yourself to their cat or dog- make sure the pet is not hypoallergenic. If you are allergic to dogs you are probably allergic to cats as well. We like to avoid multiple pet rehoming if it is at all possible.
What if I cannot take care of him/her any more, will you buy him/her back?
This is a lifetime commitment, Maine Coons can live from 12-15 years or longer depending on the care they receive. If you cannot give them a home or take care of them DO NOT buy one, we will of course take him or her back and try to find them another great home but we do not buy back our kittens.
Do you health test your cats?
YES! We want to ensure as much as we are able that every kitten who leaves our cattery is healthy. We use Optimal Selection to test our cats.
What do you test for?
We test all of our Breeding cats for SMA, PKD, HCM, PKdef, FIV and FELV, if a cat does not clear these health tests we do not use them in our breeding program. Please note that a cat can be a carrier for PKdef and still be used for breeding as long as they are not bred to another cat that is also a carrier, this does not affect the health of your kitten.
We also hip test all of our breeding males and females, preliminaries are done at 9-10 months of age.