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About Us

And now these three remain, faith, hope and love.  But the greatest of these is love.

It is my passion to lovingly raise Maine Coon kittens and to lovingly support the families who bring one of our kittens into their home.

My first love is God, my second is my husband, family and then our pets of which there are many to cherish.

We live in rural central Alberta on ten acres of land.  Our two oldest children have either moved out or headed off to College and our two youngest children are still at home.  We affectionately share our home with our and three toy schnauzers.  We are a house full of love for all animals, big or small.

1 Corinthians 14:13
Maine Coon Canada


  • We have taken great care to ensure that all of our Kings and Queens are selected from healthy lines.  Their pedigrees have been carefully examined and we have selected only males and females who we feel would be an asset to our cattery.


  • We test all of our Kings and Queens to ensure that they are healthy and will not pass on any unwanted genetic traits to their offspring.  All of this is done to ensure that your kitten will have the best opportunity to grow in to a happy healthy cat that will live a long and fulfilling life.


  •  Colors are fun but our primary goals are to produce healthy, happy, well mannered Maine Coons that are a good example of the breed standard.  After these three things have been met our focus then is on the unique, rare and striking Blue Eyed Maine Coon  a beautifully distinct trait that is a recent genetic mutation seen in certain bloodlines.


Kitten Application





We are a registered cattery with TICA and CFA, under the name MARWDMC, all of our kittens will be registered under one of these governing bodies



We are dedicated to being the best breeders that we can be, to this end we are always learning.  Not satisfied with just being good breeders, our desire is to learn all we can to safeguard the health of our Kings and Queens and ensure that we are doing everything within our power so that every kitten that leaves our cattery will have the best start possible.

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Top Breeder Mainecoons Canada

For more information about the care and feeding of your Maine Coon kitten please Click Here

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